Applewood Orchards, LLC
In 1935, Walter E. Swindeman, Sr., a wholesale grocery salesman, noticed the poor-quality apples in the surrounding area stores and thought upon retirement, that he would begin hobby farming apples to better support local retail stores in the Southeast Michigan area. From this initial idea, he planted 600 trees on 16 acres of Applewood land. Using the resources at hand, he stored the freshly picked fruit in the basement of his garage and sold by the bushel out of the front of his home. With a steady growth to his operations and a need to increase supply to match the high demand from local grocers, he began handling other apple growers’ fruit in the area.
Walter’s son, Bernie Swindeman, grew up on the farm helping his dad and was able to save money to buy land and set up an orchard of his own in his teen years. In 1955, Bernie and his wife took full control of the family operations and continued to expand the little farm business, along the way becoming the first to build a Controlled Atmosphere (CA) room in the U.S. in 1958. In the mid-1970s, Bernie’s sons, Steve, Scott, and Jim, got involved in running the family business. The three sons now run the company along with the fourth generation, Scott’s son Michael and Jim’s sons Brandt and Trent.
Applewood has grown to 350+ acres of apples, has multiple grower-packer relationships, and now ships to numerous areas in the U.S. and exports to several countries. Today, Applewood Orchards, LLC is successfully acquired by FirstFruits Farms of Washington to become the first nationwide, regionally sourced apple supplier.