Apple Wellness Shots

EverCrisp Apple Wellness Shots
Prep Time10 mins
Yields1 Serving

An EverCrisp® apple-powered beverage or shot to give the boost of energy needed to start your day, the simple way to give your body the nutrients it craves.  

Recommended Apple Variety: EverCrisp®, Fuji, Honeycrisp, Any Apple


 1 EverCrisp®Apple
 1 stick Fresh Ginger Root[Peeled, Roughly Chopped]
 1 Lemon Wedge
 ¼ cup Kale
 ¼ tsp Turmeric



Prep all items - sliced apples, ginger root peeled and chopped, sliced lemon.


Add all items into the juicer, strain as needed, and chill for one hour before serving for maximum flavor. Some separation will occur, shake well before drinking.

CategoryApple Variety,

Source: Applewood Fresh Growers


 1 EverCrisp®Apple
 1 stick Fresh Ginger Root[Peeled, Roughly Chopped]
 1 Lemon Wedge
 ¼ cup Kale
 ¼ tsp Turmeric



Prep all items - sliced apples, ginger root peeled and chopped, sliced lemon.


Add all items into the juicer, strain as needed, and chill for one hour before serving for maximum flavor. Some separation will occur, shake well before drinking.


Apple Wellness Shots
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