No Ordinary Apple.™
An apple that grows in demand year after year, people can’t wait to get their hands on this one! SweeTango® is crispy, sweet, and zesty! with a lively touch of citrus, honey, and spice. This one is sure to make your taste buds DANCE! SweeTango® is a blush apple with deep red colorization over a yellow-breaking background that is available in early September each year. SweeTango brand, Minneiska apples are produced from a Minneiska variety from the University of Minnesota’s breeding program.
With Honeycrisp and Zestar! parent varieties, this apple packs crunch and a juicy sweetness, making it one of the best fresh-eating apples around. It is said the SweeTango apple once held the Guinness World Record for the loudest crunch.
Availability: September – December